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OCs Stinky and The Boy (creepypasta)Solidarity with PalestineKirby OC Fleur (based on Flutter)Kirby OC Duana and ElfilinOC The Boy ReferenceOC Stinky ReferenceOC The Boy (creepypasta) ReferenceOC Stinky (creepypasta) ReferenceIcon for my friend Ry :3I have slain the body I was born into, and cast it awayArt Fight Attack for RyporyArt Fight Attack for SaszorArt Fight Attack for ThatOne_JesterKidMass AF Attack! (jammberry, illusionaryNeil, HanenBow, & me)Art Fight Attack for butterMilkBearDark Nebula gijinka referenceArt Fight Attack for AvocadoArt